Saturday, 14 November 2009

I don't think so...

Girl, you were looking at him a little too long for me to be your friend,
And boy, you were looking at her a little too short for me to be yours.

And I've been really too nice, I know
You probably thought that we were just a show
But you better listen up,
you better listen close,
I don't think so.

I think I should go
I can feel your eyes look at me and the door
Oh, I can take a hint
Oh, I can take a clue
You're giving me the go, sir
You're giving me the boot.

And I've been really too nice, I know
You probably thought that we were just a show
But you left me utterly confused
I am not here for you to use.
So you better listen up,
You better listen close
I don't think so

And then I find just the right thing...

Mashin' on the Motorway.

He wanted us to call him Captain Da. He said, "You can call me Da Da". Whatever that meant.

Out of gas, still burning....

Monday, 9 November 2009

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Hate Letter


Lost Turtle

That is brilliant!
"Probably escaped..."

One year and nine months later

So, basically, forgot I had a blog. Reading my old posts I cringed, a lot. Anyway, I like uni now, sad it's nearly over yada yada.
Been reading some of my friend's blogs and thought about writing (typing?) my ramblings down and then remembered I had a blog myself. I doubt anyone I don't know will read this so I don't think I need to explain what I'm up to no except that things are going well.

Anyway, bought this;

It was expensive but whatever, it's a staple!
Fingers crossed it comes tomorrow.

Also, really need;

Tried them on in Selfridges the other day and almost wept at how good they looked and how much I can't afford them.

On a slightly related note two british people won £45million on the Euromillions this week. Bastards.